Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Attention All Nursing Moms/Potential Nursing Moms!

I've been dealing with cracked, sore, nipples for the past... few months. I can't exactly say when, because when it comes to these things I am a terrible patient. I am very good about getting to the doctor if I have a fever or other flu-like symptoms, but when it comes to persistent mostly tolerable pains I wait 'til things hit the fan! Anyways... I thought that it was lazy latch, but what didn't make sense was Ignatius seemed to be latched fine and wasn't biting me. Fast-forward to about a week ago when my nipples were KILLING me...

I called my local lactation consultant through the La Leche League website. She thought that it might be some issue with tongue tie, but that didn't pan out as his pediatrician checked and he doesn't. I thought it might be lip tie, which he does have extra webbing inside his mouth -- one on either side of his gums nearest the top first molars -- but again his pediatrician believes this wouldn't be the cause. In the end the pediatrician was convinced what was going on was topical thrush. I wasn't so convinced. I didn't experience any burning sensation, and that is what the lactation consultant said was practically every nursing mother's description of the pains of thrush. It turns out I am the exception!

Needless to say I asked one of the midwives at the midwifery firm to fill out a prescription for all-purpose nipple ointment (which can only be filled at a compounding pharmacy btw) per the recommendation of the lactation consultant. Wow. Did it work like a charm! My one side is still somewhat sore, which is totally understandable as there's still a visible crack... but so SO much better than before I used the ointment! Ignatius is also being treated for thrush orally, which I'm sure is helping the issue resolve as well. I am wearing loose clothing when I can to "air out" the ladies which they say helps kill the yeast.

Let me tell you as someone who loves to nurse, I was thisclose to calling it quits. Thank goodness for people who know things medically, because I would be giving up on breastfeeding my kiddo right about now!

Let this post inform you that if you have these symptoms, please do yourself and your baby a favor and take care of it right away; save yourself the headache of delaying what could be easily taken care of. Hopefully I'll learn my lesson and go seek medical professional help sooner rather than later. I find that I am most stubborn about the craziest things!

It's all worth it, Sweet Pea!

P.S. I've found that this coconut oil works much better for me as a latching lubricant than lanolin, at least for this particular issue. I've also been told coconut oil has anti-fungal agents in it, which is definitely a plus. Who knew!

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