Monday, February 17, 2014

Winter Continues...

I'll spare you excessive amounts of what you already know and say the obvious in two little sentences.

It's a cray-cray winter.

I want it to end.

In good news, my husband's team did well at states and one of his wrestlers will be going on to Nationals! GO DAN! We're all really excited, and it's cool that Joey is the first wrestling coach to send a wrestler to this next tournament. He'll be gone Thursday, and depending how well Dan does will come back either Friday or Saturday. I'm trying not to think too much of Daddy's absence for those days, but more that this is THE END of the season. I'll raise my glass to that!

In other news, Ignatius is still growing and growing. He says, "Mamma" and "Dadda" on the regular, and "Uh-Oh!" if he's feelin' it. He most enjoys playing games where he puts something into something else. 'Natius still loves giving his big brother a hard time by hitting him on his head or shoving him as he passes him with a gigantic smile on his face. Extremely mischievous that one...

Julian loves all things pirate and Spider Man-related. He's constantly repeating lines from favorite shows he watches only once or twice a week. He's getting better-and-better at throwing. His aim is incredible. Julian threw a ball from a 4-5 foot distance directly into my hand. I couldn't believe it! Granted, maybe this is something many, many 3 year olds can do, but he's my 3 year old who does it and that's enough reason for me to gush and brag! :)

So there you have it! I love my amazing kiddos!

And now for the obligatory pictures... Just so you know: these are not very high quality photos because my phone is not one of those fancy-schmancy iPhone types. Thank Goodness I have Picasa on my computer though. I heart photo editing!

 Riding on one of his favorite toys, the train.
 My silly monkey-head.
 I love this candid.
 Finishing his first big boy puzzle. He's saying, "Woo Hoo!"
 Our "Incredible Hunk" ... Get it? ;)
 I can't believe my baby's 1!
 Yummy, yummy chocolate!
 Peeking from the top of a cool fort Daddy made.
Just your friendly neighborhood Spider Man!

Happy Monday Night, everyone!


  1. Wrestling season goes on and on and on and on...

    ....and on and on and on...
    Seriously though, nice post as usual honey! I am looking forward to things going back to normal. I feel like Bilbo with his Ring: "I feel thin, stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday, a very long holiday." Or I just need my normal schedule back.

    1. Poor guy... I can't wait for you to get back to your normal schedule too.

    2. + thank you for your affirmation! :)

  2. I think I've come down with seasonal affective disorder ;) this winter STINKS!!!
