Monday, February 3, 2014

Keep on the Sunny Side

Ignatius is not a happy camper lately. He's just getting over a cold, and five teeth are coming in all at once. He needs to be held at all times, and at all times wants down. He yanks on my arm if I ever even think about going online. Making dinner is like telling him he isn't loved. Needless to say, my life is a bit challenging lately.

On top of this, my husband is in the midst of the craziness of wrestling season. For the next two Saturdays we will not have Daddy to play with or help out with parenting duties. Thank goodness he'll be home on Sundays, but this make life difficult because we need to get all our grocery shopping and errands done then which cuts in our family time. Prayers for strength, endurance and patience would be great if you can spare a few...

In light of this I will attempt to brighten up things by posting pictures. These will be the last set for a while as our camera bit the dust (NOOOOOO!!!!!). Hopefully soon we'll buy a new one, but don't quite know when that will be. I hope that the kids don't do anything extra cute or reach some amazing development milestone while we're sans camera (THIS STINKS!!!!).

 My almost 1 year old. He's so full of life and personality. I love him so...

This is me trying to get a picture of the both of us. Yes. Impossible is the word.

Julian with his favorite toy in the whole entire world: his Spider Man Set. The best Christmas present ever!

Is there anything cuter than a baby reading books on a couch?

Okay, maybe two adorable brothers exchanging innocent smiles to each other is the cutest thing ever.

I had to put these pictures side by side so you can see how much this kid looks like a crabby baby me.

Ah! I feel better already :)

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