Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy (belated) New Year, Everyone!

I hope your Christmas & New Years was merry & bright & everything you wanted it to be. I was fortunate to have the hubby home for two whole weeks, utterly spoiling me with his attentiveness & genuine care for the entire household. He let me go on multiple shopping sprees & I went days without washing one single dish. All I can say is, what a guy. He's the greatest. *Shamelessly Gushing!*

We purchased a king-sized bed last Friday, & what a beautiful thing it is. Julian is back to having his own room with his own BIG bed (he inherited our old queen-sized bed) surrounded by the millions of toys he received for Christmas & his Birthday (Pictures to come! See excuse below). He's sleeping like a charm & so are we. We're still co-sleeping with Ignatius, but plans are for him to start sleeping on the queen with his brother. We're in no big rush, though. Ignatius is teething & is up anywhere from 3 to 5 times a night (since we co-sleep, it really isn't as bad as it sounds). I do, however, want him to transition to sleeping with his brother at some point in the near(ish) future. It will happen all in God's timing!

& now the part of this blog post where I shamelessly excuse my non-posting behavior for the past month:

Excuse #1. I love me my naptime. Both of them nap at the same time in the afternoon & I take full advantage of this. Then we wake up & it's a mad rush to get our apartment in order & make dinner. Now that it's wrestling season Daddy's home anywhere between 7-8 at night, which means babies play with him until waaaayyyy too late. Sometimes lights are out at 9:45! But it's either that or not playing with Daddy all week long, so it's worth the sacrifice. It means, however, we have to squeeze in our after-the-kids-go-to-bed duties very last minute in order to go to bed at a decent hour ourselves. This also means secondary priorities take a backseat, hence I have not written a blog post in almost a month. Boo!

Excuse #2. I have so many cute pictures and no means of uploading them. If you know me, you know I love to post pictures of my cuties! For some mysterious reason the cord needed to upload pictures is gone, & our new computer doesn't have a port for the memory card so I'm 0-2 in this regard. I think my hubby has a solution to the dilemma, so hang tight & hopefully I'll have them up here soon!

Excuse #3 & #4. These guys!

This is what happens when I go online -- Cuddle Bum (Julian) needs his Mamma and Jealous Pants (Ignatius) starts hitting Cuddle Bum until he's up in my lap, too. It's all kinds of needy over here :) As you can see, my hands aren't quite in the clear for easy typing. But of all four excuses, these last two are definitely my favorite!

Have a good Tuesday, everyone!


  1. Ahhhh king size bed! That's on our list of big purchases for this year. I'm torn between that and a real, matching couch & loveseat set to replace our disgusting, frat house looking couch with the ugly slipcover that always seems to pull the cushions off the couch and onto the floor... and we're usually too lazy to fix it every 5 seconds... so the whole thing is just a mess. Looking at overstock, too, of course bc they have the best deals!

    1. Yesssss we love our king size bed! It's pretty nice, I can't lie. That is a tough toss-up between couch & loveseat and bed. I would say if you foresee being the kind of parent that allows little ones into the bed at any point in their early years, get the bed. If not, get the couch & loveseat first. However, it'd probably be wise to make that decision once the baby comes along, because you might say, "Sure, we're open to bed-sharing!" and then you do it for a while and realize there's no way you/baby/Daddy or any combination of persons can sleep all together in one bed. Ya never know 'til you try it! We didn't go with Overstock, ha! I just used their picture because we went to Mattress Warehouse and their picture for the foam mattress is lacking.

  2. You look awesome by the way. Super cute picture. :)

    1. Why thanks! I have maintained the same exact weight as I had before Julian came along, yet if you look at pictures of me before babies came along I look kind of chubby. Weird... Maybe it's because the prenatal vitamins and exercising while pregnant with Ignatius "stuck" somehow. I have not been exercising as I normally do when it's spring and fall, and I never ever diet (other than with Ignatius' pregnancy). That doesn't explain how I was somewhat slender-looking between pregnancies. Nursing maybe? It's a MYSTERY!!!!
