Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Quick Takes, Oasis-Style!

Thank Goodness we've had several warm days this week. It's been a long streak of cold/snowy/icky around here, so you can imagine how cooped up we've all been since about Christmas Eve. It was Ignatius' first time toddling around outside, which of course is too adorable not share the adorableness by lots and lots of pictures.

I really can't get over how cute my kids are!

You think I'd forget about my other cutie? Maybe we've never met. Hi, I'm Liz! Nice to meet you. I love posting pictures of my kids; how are you?

We spotted at least five beautiful robins outside during our little outing. Gorgeous! It reminded me of how my parents have an ongoing contest to see which of them will spot the first robin of spring. My dad teases my mother in saying that she must somehow cheat because she wins every stinkin' time. This one's for you, Dad! :)

I'm reading The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. I should be done by now as it was December's book for book club (Margaret and Patty, you didn't read that!) AND it's such a short book. What I've read so far is amazing. I hope you all -- young, old, Catholic, and non-Catholic -- get a chance to read it. It will make you think about how to live each moment meaningfully and for & with the Lord, despite how insignificant your life may seem.

Pray for me, because after this weekend the next three will be Joey-less. End of wrestling season = no daddy on Saturdays for a while. Thankfully, my mother and father-in-law have invited the boys and me over to liven things up a bit while he's gone. It's still, however, going to be challenging. 

The most notable trait I've seen in my three-year-old which I hope is just a phase is his becoming obsessed with certain things. I mean, he is completely obsessed with all things Spider Man, when's the next time he can watch a show, and anything revolving around the feeling, "Scary." Tell me your three-year-old is the same way, because I sure hope it's just a three-year-old thing!

Two of my best friends are having their first babies, and I really want to do a "Things To Know" post because of this awesome fact. I first have to give you what I promised about sourdough bread, then I'll deliver on this. "Get on-the-ball, Liz!" Ok ok... I will... Someday! :) But really, my goal is Monday the sourdough bread post and the following Saturday "Things To Know", provided I listen and oblige my inner voice's promptings.

Head over to Conversation Diary for more Quick Takes!

Happy Friday!


  1. Oh my goodness I thought I was the only person who knew about The Practice of the Presence of God!!! That was one of our first required reading books when I was in the novitiate!!! How cool!!! Prayers for you, also, as you endure the end of wrestling season!

    1. I know! I love it thus far. I wish I could have met him. He comes across as so peaceful.

      Thanks for your prayers! I can definitely use them!

  2. Ignatius' face in the second picture! Haha sooo cute. And yes, some of us need that first-time mom post...
