Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Nursing Mother's Rant

It seems that every week I find a story online about a woman asked to leave a store, restaurant, or otherwise public venue because she is feeding her child the most nutritious, 100% organic, most important food in her baby's life. You may know it as breast milk. Over and over again these mothers are discriminated against, embarrassed, and discouraged from doing the one thing that will benefit their children not only now but also years to follow. Here is an article of many that highlights this degrading cyclic situation -- http://www.news-sentinel.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120130/LIVING/301309996/1008 
"'So where was this mother supposed to go to feed her baby?' one asked.
'I believe the restroom was the suggested location,' I responded.
'Well, would the person who suggested it like to eat lunch in the bathroom?' she asked.
She made an excellent point. I certainly wouldn't appreciate eating in a restroom. Why is a baby expected to do so?"
Oh, common sense... It is so hard to come by these days. This article also talked about how society displays women's cleavage all over the place, but the instant a mother innocently feeds her child with them (a use for which they were created after all) all heck breaks loose. How dare she consider the needs of her child above my comfort level? It is as though people don't have the ability to look the other way and give the mother the respect she deserves for doing the absolute best thing for her child. 
My hope is that someday a mother who feeds her child the best-of-the-best in public places will feel affirmed, confident, and empowered by others for her valiant efforts. I for my part have not been asked to leave the public's eye for nursing my child. I almost wish that a proprietor would try to mess with this nursing Mamma Bear!

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Pot & Things - A Short Story

Once upon a time a baby named JR found a pot and things.

He used all sorts of tactics to pick up the pot and things he found. He concentrated very hard on each step to the process. He found that placing the things inside the pot helped immensely. He was almost there.

After some undocumented help from his mother he successfully picked up the pot and things. He is happy about his accomplishment despite his very deadpan expression.

Upon internal deliberation he showed forth a visible albeit partial grin.

Walking farther into the kitchen he throws the pot and things on the ground.

The end.

What Am I?

For the most part, I am an AP parent. What might that be, you ask? Please check out this link. It gives a brief description -- http://www.ivillage.com/what-attachment-parenting/6-a-127876

I also like this article because it tell you what attachment parenting is not -- http://www.alternative-mama.com/attachment-parenting-what-its-not/

One of the aspects of AP parenting that my baby never enjoyed was baby wearing. I think he takes after his mother and has some claustrophobia going on.  He does love to sleep close to me. It is something I love to do with him, too. He takes his naps right next to me. It allows me to get the rest I need, catch up on a book, or just sit and meditate life's mysteries for a while. If I do need to get something done, I put him in his crib. Mostly, however, I take a nap when he does.

I know that will change once we have another little one, but for now I am savoring this special time I have with my one-and-only. He's going to grow up fast; he will not be little for much longer. I want to look back and say I took advantage of many precious moments with him. Life doesn't come with a rewind button. I'm starting to realize that more and more each day.

JR at 3 months

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Three Great Mommy Books

First and foremost, I wholeheartedly recommend this book especially before the baby comes. I did, and this book gave me so much confidence in breastfeeding. Some chapters, however, are a little off-topic but all together The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding rocks socks.

Here is a book that I bought because I was intrigued with the idea of baby lead weaning/feeding. We decided to get JR started with solids this way and I'm glad we did. If you are very nervous about this idea, I understand, but I'm pretty laid back and the points made within the chapters were sufficient enough for me to start him off with soft finger foods. I will talk more about what I think in later posts.

My next book is called The No Cry Sleep Solution. I for one was resolute to never let my baby "cry it out", but I found myself nursing JR 3-4 times a night for what seems an eternity. By the time he was 10 months old I needed to find a way to stay true to my decision and get some gosh-darned sleep, too! I remembered a friend telling me about this book a while back and I made a trip to the local library to check it out. Boy, am I glad I did! I will also have later posts on this subject.

So there you have it, folks.

What are your favorite mommy books?

Crazy In Love

Here is my son JR. He is 13 months old. And yes, I am absolutely, head-over-heals, heart-over-brain in love with him. 

It's amazing to me how much my perspective on life has changed since JR's birth. I compare it to the movie, The Wizard of Oz. One minute Dorothy is in a black-and-white world and the next she sees in full, brilliant, dazzling color. She never knew until that moment what she was missing in life. How much that is true for me! He completes us, my husband and I. Life is much fuller, brighter, and more filled with love since this little dude came into our lives. We have so much for which to be thankful.