Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Nursing Mother's Rant

It seems that every week I find a story online about a woman asked to leave a store, restaurant, or otherwise public venue because she is feeding her child the most nutritious, 100% organic, most important food in her baby's life. You may know it as breast milk. Over and over again these mothers are discriminated against, embarrassed, and discouraged from doing the one thing that will benefit their children not only now but also years to follow. Here is an article of many that highlights this degrading cyclic situation -- http://www.news-sentinel.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120130/LIVING/301309996/1008 
"'So where was this mother supposed to go to feed her baby?' one asked.
'I believe the restroom was the suggested location,' I responded.
'Well, would the person who suggested it like to eat lunch in the bathroom?' she asked.
She made an excellent point. I certainly wouldn't appreciate eating in a restroom. Why is a baby expected to do so?"
Oh, common sense... It is so hard to come by these days. This article also talked about how society displays women's cleavage all over the place, but the instant a mother innocently feeds her child with them (a use for which they were created after all) all heck breaks loose. How dare she consider the needs of her child above my comfort level? It is as though people don't have the ability to look the other way and give the mother the respect she deserves for doing the absolute best thing for her child. 
My hope is that someday a mother who feeds her child the best-of-the-best in public places will feel affirmed, confident, and empowered by others for her valiant efforts. I for my part have not been asked to leave the public's eye for nursing my child. I almost wish that a proprietor would try to mess with this nursing Mamma Bear!


  1. I pity the foooool, who tries to mess with you. I've already seen how sharp are your claws. Remember Dum-Dum the nurse lady? That was when I said to myself "Liz has become a mom."
