Monday, November 11, 2013

One of these is...

...I won't say. I am such a chicken when it comes to writing anything moderately debatable. I'm a sensitive soul that hates to publicly share my opinions -- especially my "mommy" opinions -- in fear that someone reading it might think I'm looking down on their way of doing things. For now, I will just say many of the identifying qualities of attachment parenting have greatly helped my own style of parenting. If you want to know details, ask in a message or email. Public forum opinion pieces are best left to people who like to use them, and it just ain't me... Well, at least the "me" right now.

I apologize, audience! My previous blog post was more of a personal challenge to sit down and write for 10 minutes, unedited. I promise not to leave you hanging again without a good follow up.

To make up for all that is lacking in my blogging missteps, here are a few adorable pictures!

I'm one lucky mamma...

P.S. I walked 2 miles today which I haven't done in months, and it was awesome. Walking is so good for mysoul!


  1. Your boys are such cuties!!!

  2. Haha, I know exactly how you feel. I hate making waves, and I always regret it when I do! But you do an awesome job and fwiw, I love hearing what you think, no matter what!

    1. You're too kind! I can't tell you the many times I've inserted my foot directly in my mouth though. There's a saying that I must daily remind myself: "Remain silent, and you will never regret it. Speak, and you often will" (The Way, #639, St. Josemaria Escriva).
