Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cuteness Abounds: A Reason to Love Toddlerhood

Ever since JR started eating solids, my husband and I keep the little guy undressed at the dining table. We do this for the sake of maintaining our low laundry budget (we live in an apartment building with a coin operated laundry facility). Plus, who can resist a half-naked tubby baby?
I rest my case.
Usually what happens after mealtime is we get JR all cleaned up, take him down from his booster, and out of pure, lazy habit leave the little guy arrayed in only his diaper. If it is breakfast or lunch we'll eventually redress him, but when it is dinnertime we usually skip it until we put him in his pajamas for bed.

For the past few days, however, my son has been doing the cutest thing imaginable to counteract our laziness. After the meal is done and the instant I sit down after cleaning up he brings his clothes over to me and asks me in his cute toddler way ("Da?") to put his clothes back on. It is beyond words adorable. 

The most precious moments are indeed the ones you least expect.

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