Friday, November 22, 2013

I Gave Up: and it's the best decision I've made in 3 days!

We've withdrawn Julian from potty-training for the time being. All is well, and there's no upset feelings or anything. I knew coming into this that this could be a distinct possibility, so I am not sad or disappointed or any of that jazz. I'm actually mostly relieved.

We did the reward system; if he peed he'd get one little treat, if he pooed he'd get two. He wore cloth training pants, which are glorified underwear, and I watched him like a hawk. I took him at least once an hour, and he'd go every time... but he had 4-5 accidents a day the first two days. Also, this boy poops. A lot. And he had only pooped twice (in the potty) for the first two days.

I could just tell he wasn't getting the "idea". You know, when you feel you need to go then you walk over THEN go? It's like one motion for him still: he feels it coming & it comes. There's nothing telling his brain to put a pause button on the procedure. I explained and explained and explained how this works, but to no avail. I know if I were to press it more than I did it would become a power struggle, which I know is the last thing I want him associating with potty training.

This morning (the third day) we had the last factor that pointed to the need to stop. He pooped reeeeally early in the morning -- even before coming to get me like he normally does -- before the crack of 6 AM. He developed a diaper rash from this and so that is another piece of evidence he pooped super duper early. He hasn't done that since before he turned one! I took this as a sign that he's going to keep himself from pooping if we were to keep going.

Really though, it all boiled down to following my instincts. It just wasn't boding well with me to continue, and I know deep down for him, too (despite getting rewards; he loved that!). And so we tried, and it wasn't a Fail. It was a Lesson. And we are all okay with that.

So needless to say... be continued!

Happy Friday!

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