Saturday, April 27, 2013

Random Happenings

The baby's asleep, hubby and oldest are away and I have a few minutes to spare to muse on here. I have no theme to present, so I'll just "bullet point" some occurrences that have happened lately:
- Ignatius is growing up way too fast! I'll have to buy some 6-9 month clothes for him soon. He's now wearing #3 diapers and has the cutest, chubbiest thighs a mamma could ask for!
- I love/hate Julian's energy level lately. He's such an eager learner, loves exploring parks, throwing rocks in rivers, and scaling tall playground equipment. It's great. It's wonderful. But oh! does it tire me out sometimes! I'm just glad I have a husband that does an amazing job keeping up with him.  
- I left my camera someplace-not-where-it's-supposed-to-be again. I can't help myself, it's in my job description to leave it at people's houses/on lawn mowers/on top of record players. So, I don't have great pictures to show.
- Here's some alright pictures I took with my cruddy phone camera.
 Cutie Pie Brothers

Wearin' ma bebe at the playground
 Say "Cheese"! Or just sleep, that's fine too!
 I'm so blessed to have two beautiful boys!
- Are you ready for this?
I woke up two days ago from my nap to a line of itchy welts running down my arm. They're smaller than this today and itch less, but man, yesterday and the night before were terrible. I have no idea what happened. If you know what bit me or if I got hives let me know. 

Okay, now the baby's awake, hubby and oldest are home and life resumes its normal course. I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Saturday. Ta ta!

-------------------------------- UPDATE!!!--------------------------------
Bed bugs, people. BED. BUGS. They can hide in plain sight for several months before you realize that's the issue. Before spending tons of dollars on allergy tests and doctor's visits, if you have dots in a line like this please do yourself a favor and get a bug specialist to check your home. We went 5 months without knowing what we were dealing with. That was a most unpleasant experience, which I wish on no person.

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